Kenya News Online Today : Kenya as seen through my eyes

A commentary on things Kenyan and other pertinent global issues

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

A little company that has followed the sign of the times

I was walking by Kencom bus stage and noticed that the stage is now clean and well maintained. It also has a professional coat of paint. The notice board close to the bus shelters is decent and has some useful information to any visitor here. The company behind the rejuvenation of Kencom bus stage and the signs there is Adpost, a small firm that has made a mark in the small advertising and promotional materials sector.
Adpost may be a small outfit but the hustle and bustle outside their main office close to Odeon cinema shows just how seriously Kenyans take their Adpost notice boards. I like people who pursue their ideas and live to see them blossom. I still do not know the owners of Adpost but I am an admirer of their work. The business has shown that you can always carve a niche for your business. By stitching together their business of stationeries, advertising and promotional materials and carving a niche for themselves, the company seems to have generated new revenue streams.
Now they have made use of what was becoming a sorry mosaic of roughly designed posters. Now what we have is a series of notice boards that will put a smile on your face, billboards that glorify Nairobi and infomercials plus maps that help the city’s visitors find their way around. Through careful and prudent business management, Adpost is going places.


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